Sunday, April 22, 2012

IPad Landscape Orientation on HaXe NME

When using landscape orientation in the nmml file for an nme project targetting iPad there is a problem where lib.current.stage.stageheight and stagewidth are still referring to portrait coordinates.

To fix this add an if statement to swap the two values before you use them.


Some usage of screeRotated and Lib.current.stage dealing with iOS landscape mode in HaXe+NME:

 XCode discussion forum regarding native documentation of iOS landscape mode:

Thread discussing NME ios target and overriding the stage.shouldRotateInterface function for proper landscape handling:

Automatic scaling in NME for custom transition between iPad and iPhone:

Talk from the NME author in a thread: "It seems that if you target iOS 3.2, you can submit with armv6, but if you target iOS 4 or 5 (not sure about 4... definitely 5) the App Store will reject your application if it lacks armv7."

 Thread containing information regarding GM2D HaXe game engine library and how it handles iOS landscape mode:

Discussion of landscape mode debugging with Haxe+NME on Android:

1 comment:

  1. Has anyone succeeded in getting the landscape orientation mode to work
    for an iPad? I set the orientation parameter in my .nmml file to
    landscape, but this doesn't seem to do anything. Fiddling with the
    Xcode supported device orientations similarly didn't have an effect. And i want to know is there an app can scan 2d barcode in excel on ipad?
